Anonymous ID: 23fc30 Sept. 23, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.3159827   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If you have spent any amount of time away from MSM researching "Truth" you undoubtedly have read about Project Blue Beam, Fake Moon Landings etc. My take is that in the near future, [this week maybe] (((They))) are going to pull their ultimate stunt to try and scare the masses into a panic. This will come from many possibilities. Maybe they will crash an alien vessel somewhere… Maybe they will blow up the fake moon… I'm not sure eggzactly what they will do but I eggspect it to be big and to have something to do with "Sky Event", "The Sky is Falling" and something going dark, the first step in "Darkness to light."

Whatever it is, I hope your all prepared cause it will be one hell of a ride, so grab your popcorn and Buckle up Buttercup!