Anonymous ID: 68a6eb Sept. 23, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.3159499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9534 >>9571 >>9661

Anons… be watchful the next 2 days… the Harvest Moon on the 24th or 25th…Big Jewish holiday…. God's appointed time….


I suspect the globalists are going to crash the Fed before the mid-terms… only makes sense…. yet I also truly believe the White Hats and Q team and POTUS are ready for this.


Rainbow money and a gold repository on Indian land… I've heard whispers of it… and again… it only makes sense….


The White Hats have been working on this since the Kennedy assassination. I trust their plan is well thought out.


Our Job? To keep the normies calm. Be aware…. be safe… Trust that the Eternal Father and the Eternal Calendar KNOW what the end result will be. THIS IS THE GREAT AWAKENING. Let the veil lift. I expect we will be very pleased with the end result.


Love and Peace to all.

Anonymous ID: 68a6eb Sept. 23, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.3159611   🗄️.is 🔗kun




remember, the Jewish calendar is based on a 360 day year. Their Festivals are all contained withing the bible, but Christians have more or less reduced their significance.

Anonymous ID: 68a6eb Sept. 23, 2018, 8:09 p.m. No.3159898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9976 >>0065


That was unkind of me… i apologize….


My big issue is: all these evil ones are so OLD that they are ready to die or already dead. No offense Q… Even no name… he was at his prime to die. Hillary may already dead… have you seen a recent pic of Bill? Is there really justice with nursing home patients? Guess we could look at the younger ones… say Obama… there may be a sense of justice with him… The Queen is ready for the grave… and ohh the crimes she has committed…. Can't help but think of the Indians in Canada…. forced to give up their native ways.. cut their hair.. put in away from home schools… brain washed…


And it's going on now… do you realize that the aboriginal in Australia have been doing this to aboriginal children since at least the 1970s… and more recently… Brazil has been raiding and taking away the aboriginals children.. either to do their satanic (no… i don't capitalize satan) abominations or just to brainwash them… either way I do not support… my soul is crying for the children… i love children… this is nothing new.. There is nothing new under the sun… yes I am ranting… i feel compelled… the Great Awakening is happening… some say our DNA is being Awoke… all that junk DNA is being activated


Sleeper Cells Activated…. - Q


What does that mean? Could it be as simple as our DNA is being activated? I feel so tired… I feel I need rest… Is this b/c of this?


Is part of team Q otherworldly? Is this why they can work the Q clock? Such accuracy down to not only dates, but timestamps?


Do we have ANY control over our own lives? Is this all a play? What exactly is freedom?


My brain is exploding right now…

Anonymous ID: 68a6eb Sept. 23, 2018, 8:23 p.m. No.3160159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0183 >>0207

Anons… there is fuckery afoot


I have been watching the moon tonight… Big..Orange… and I just went outside and it was completely gone… yes.. it is cloudy at my local… but it was cloudy an hour ago too. so all of a sudden … much right of where the harvest moon was I saw another moon.. then i saw another moon very close to it. very white.


WTF is going on with the moon tonite?