Anonymous ID: 9d9f9e Sept. 23, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.3159625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Xi marks first farmers’ festival


President Xi Jinping has called for more efforts to promote agricultural upgrading, stimulate rural development and raise farmers' livelihoods in a comprehensive manner as the country celebrated its first Farmers' Harvest Festival on Sunday.


The event will take place on autumnal equinox each year.


Putin, Trump, and Xi like their farmers


中秋节快乐 - happy mid autumn festival


Fun Fact about Mooncakes:


There is a folk tale about the overthrow of Mongol rule facilitated by messages smuggled in moon cakes.


Mooncakes were used by the Ming revolutionaries in their effort to overthrow the Mongolian rulers of China at the end of the Yuan dynasty. The idea is said to have been conceived by Zhu Yuanzhang and his advisor Liu Bowen, who circulated a rumor that a deadly plague of "Hóuzi chuánwěi jíbìng de" was spreading and that the only way to prevent it was to eat special mooncakes, which would instantly revive and give special powers to the user. This prompted the quick distribution of mooncakes. The mooncakes contained a secret message coordinating the Han Chinese revolt on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month