Anonymous ID: b5c970 Sept. 23, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.3159805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump slams the DOJ for cutting deals with the small rats to get the bigger rats. He says that it is just not right. Of course, Fake news thinks that Trump is saying this because Trump is mad that Manafort/Cohen gave up dirt on him to save themselves.

Fake News is giggly thinking about the dirt that Mueller now has on Trump because of Manafort and Cohen cutting deals.


Wait til they find out that it was RR and Mueller that cut deals to dish dirt on the Deep State.


Part of the deal RR cut would be that he would delay, delay, delay the document release until Huber and Horowitz are done with their investigation.

The FISA docs went to IG this week to “speed it up’ supposedly.

RR will have to resign when the documents are revealed. That was the deal he cut. Take the heat until the time comes for him to resign in shame.

POTUS made sure to make a point about that.