Anonymous ID: f21dfa Sept. 23, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.3159546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9614 >>9663 >>9688 >>9869 >>9872 >>9991 >>0050 >>0061 >>0135 >>0152 >>0172

Breaking: Feinstein Calls for Postponement of Kavanaugh Hearings


Saying, “It is time to set politics aside,” following the latest uncorroborated accusation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the Ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, is calling for the “immediate postponement” of Thursday’s hearing and proceedings related to Kavanaugh’s nomination while the charges are investigated.


Dear Chairman Grassley:


I am writing to request an immediate postponement of any further proceedings related to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. I also ask that the newest allegations of sexual misconduct be referred to the FBI for investigation, and that you join our request for the White House to direct the FBI to investigate the allegations of Christine Blasey Ford as well as these new claims.


Today, Deborah Ramirez came forward with serious allegations of sexual misconduct by Judge Kavanaugh. The New Yorker article recounting her experience states that there are witnesses who can corroborate her claims and who challenge Mr. Judge’s account. An investigation needs to be conducted as part of Judge Kavanaugh’s background investigation by career professionals at the FBI — not partisan staff of the Committee. We need a fair, independent process that will gather all the facts, interview all the relevant witnesses, and ensure the Committee receives a full and impartial report. Should the White House continue to refuse to direct the FBI to do its job, the Committee must subpoena all relevant witnesses.


It is time to set politics aside. We must ensure that a thorough and fair investigation is conducted before moving forward.


Sincerely, Dianne Feinstein, United States Senator

Anonymous ID: f21dfa Sept. 23, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.3159607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9663 >>9869 >>0061 >>0135

New Policy Proposal Would Deny Green Cards To Immigrants On Welfare


The Trump administration is moving to fulfill another of President Trump's campaign promises by implementing more restrictions on legal immigration by deporting green-card holders who rely too heavily on federal government programs like food stamps. According to the Associate Press, the Department of Homeland Security published a 447-page proposal on Saturday outlining its plans to expand restrictions that would disqualify legal immigrants from obtaining a green card if they rely too heavily on Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers and other forms of public assistance. According to US law, applicants must prove they won't become a "public charge" - that they wouldn't derive more than half their income from government programs - to achieve green-card status. Under the proposal, the federal government would begin factoring in non-monetary benefits like food stamps and Section 8 housing benefits.

Anonymous ID: f21dfa Sept. 23, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.3159789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

=“Stop Mass Hysteria” – Michael Savage on Kavanaugh Frenzy: It’s Like a Virus, an Epidemic… It Will Die of Its Own Oxygen Deprivation==


The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft interviewed Dr. Michael Savage on his latest book “Stop Mass Hysteria” this weekend.


“Stop Mass Hysteria” COULD NOT come at a better time. And our discussion with Dr. Savage on this subject was timely to say the least.


Dr. Savage discussed the history of mass hysteria in America from the Salem witch trials to the Trump-Russial collusion witch hunt.


Michael Savage also shared his thoughts on the mass hysteria surrounding the Brett Kavananaugh confirmation hearings.


Dr. Michael Savage: Let me just say starting from the beginning that there is a huge difference between mass hysteria and justified concern. And this is something we have to understand. There are imagined threats and then there is real danger as we all know. And this is an imagined threat – That Kavanaugh poses a threat to all women on the planet that he’s a mad rapist. That he will be on the Supreme Court running around and making the climate of rape more acceptable. This is the greatest example of mass hysteria since the Trump derangement syndrome. And it is a continuation of course, of the hatred of Trump and their hatred for those of us who supported Donald Trump, and Donald Trump’s agenda more than Donald Trump. It’s really not about Donald Trump it’s about the agenda which is largely based on modern nationalism that I offered for many, many years.


Dr. Savage is truly brilliant. He publishes a book on mass hyteria and the the Kavanaugh confirmation comes along.


Dr. Savage goes on to say the number one greatest threat facing America today is radical Islam. “For the last 1,400 years radical Islam has been at war with the world. This is not Islamophobia as the mainstream media would have you believe. It is history.”


Michael Savage took some time to bash CNN in his chapter titled “From Salem to CNN” where he compares the two asking, “They’re not to different are they?”


Michael went on to describe the real “war on women” is the radical feminists who are actually debasing feminists and debasing women across America with false accusations, or exaggerated accusations.


Dr. Savage talked about the danger of mass hysteria, “It’s like a virus. As a trained epidemiologist it’s really like an epidemic. It’s almost a medical situation, this madness is very similar to an epidemic that continues to spread though a population without discriminating who it attacks. That’s the point. And so in stopping mass hysteria I try to bring real history to the discussion rather than straight polemics.”


Near the end of the interview I asked Michael about what will eventually the end of mass hysteria. Michael offered this, “We have to believe at the end reason will trump hysteria. We have to believe. I believe this mania we are living through will die of its own oxygen deprivation.”


Let’s hope Dr. Savage is right. He usually is. God help us.

Anonymous ID: f21dfa Sept. 23, 2018, 8:09 p.m. No.3159902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0118 >>0135