Anonymous ID: 67674f Sept. 23, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.3161657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1671 >>1673



But even Jeet Heer, a staff writer for The New Republic, a liberal mag, has serious doubts about Avenatti’s allegations.


“I’d be really, really cautious about the Avenatti claims,” Heer tweeted just before 10 p.m. Sunday night.


Matt Ford covers the law and courts for The New Republic.


“It’s hard to imagine a quicker way to harden the growing GOP perception that the Kavanaugh allegations are a Dem set-up than by adding Michael Avenatti to the mix,” he wrote on Twitter.


Lefty Talking Points Memo is also weary of Avenatti. Just look at what editor Josh Marshall had to say about all this.


“In republican Rome one of the most hideous punishments (for parricide) was being sewn into a sack with a dog, a rooster and a snake and being tossed into the Tiber. The modern version is being stuck in a story with Michael Avenatti,” he wrote.


Naturally journalists on the right aren’t terribly fond of Avenatti either.


“Who wants to bet Michael Avenatti has more skeletons in his closet than any of these people he’s ‘heroically’ going after?” asked CRTV’s Allie Beth Stuckey.


The Resurgent‘s Erick Erickson, a staunch Kavanaugh supporter, wrote, “I think this probably says more about Avenatti than Kavanaugh.” He was referring to the the tweet with seven F’s.


Deadspin sportswriter David Roth had something utterly depressing to say about Avenatti. “We’re never getting rid of Michael Avenatti,” he wrote. “This dude is just a fact of life now. He’s going to appear on cable news on the day that the sun goes out.”

