Anonymous ID: 2f3d7c Sept. 24, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.3162746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2841


Barack Obama til Norge:

Nordmenn betaler over 30.000 for å ta bilde sammen med Obama


Barack Obama opptrer foran 3.000 næringslivsledere og andre utenfor Oslo neste uke.

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Barack Obama to Norway:

Norwegians pay over 30,000 to take pictures with Obama


Barack Obama acts in front of 3,000 business leaders and others outside of Oslo next week.

Obummer is landing today in Norway OSL

Give me a 50 cal sniper ;)

The Nobel Prize winner has no plans to meet the Nobel Committee, nor has he announced any visit to the Nobel Peace Institute or the Nobel Peace Center. The chairman of the Storting's Foreign Affairs Committee, Anniken Huitfeldt, has not agreed with the former US president, and, according to the NTB, there are no plans for representatives of the Foreign Ministry to reach the 57th anniversary. Both the Foreign Minister, the Minister for Development and the Prime Minister are in New York when the rare guest comes to the country on Wednesday.


The former president spends a day in Norway. He is the biggest drawster when Oslo Business Forum is held at Hellerudsletta outside Oslo Wednesday afternoon.

Is threatening to cancel Denmark's visit if a contract is announced

Is threatening to cancel Denmark's visit if a contract is announced

  • Complements the program


The forum's total of 3,000 participants will hear Obama's conversation in an hour with former Nor-Shipping boss Birgit Liodden on the topics management, technology and sustainability.


"It's gratifying that Obama wants to travel to Norway to talk to Norwegian business leaders and decision makers at the Oslo Business Forum this fall," says Christoffer Omberg, CEO, who is also one of the founders of the Oslo Business Forum.


  • President Barack Obama complements the program brilliantly considering that he led the United States for a period of time the world has undergone a digital transformation. Several companies have grown enormously and we have seen how the share economy has taken the world by storm, he says.

VIP tickets with group image


The most eager participants have bought tickets for over 32,000 kroner. Then they get a group picture with the US 44th president. The standard tickets cost between 5,000 and 9,000 kroner, and all tickets are for the most part sold out. If you wonder why you have not seen any offer to buy a ticket, the organizer announces that they operate on the "B2B market", that is, buying and selling businesses between and not directly to consumers.

Presidential life after the White House: - moved home to million debt and reunited property

Presidential life after the White House: - moved home to million debt and reunited property


The Oslo Business Forum will not tell how much Obama gets paid for its performance.


  • This is a contract between Oslo Business Forum and Barack Obama. What we have agreed on regarding this lecture remains between us. We follow this practice as far as all our speakers are concerned, announcing press contact Daniel Gauslaa.


The police both at Skedsmo and Oslo work with security around the visit, as Obama will stay in the capital. Also American Secret Service is involved. This service is responsible for the safety of both seated and former US presidents.


"There will be some security measures, but not near when he was here as president," said Martin Strand, chief executive officer at Oslo Police District.


Obama visited Norway to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in December 2009

This is on 26.09.2018