Hey all, lurkeranon here. I've watched this board over the last few months turn into something that it wasn't intended for. For Christ's sake, the board is called QRESEARCH. It's not a chatroom. It's not a porn board. It's not somewhere to post your crazy-ass ideas and theories that are totally unrelated to Q drops. There's other boards for that, or FFS, go make your own board. Yeah, we all like tits, but the intended purpose of posting tits was a o7 to the baker for putting the time in and compiling all the pertinent posts into a nice organized format, which is no small feat when the board is really busy with relevant content, but even more difficult when it's inundated by the noticemefags' posts.
Anons, just keep on track here. There's a lot of information in these drops that we should be digging and expanding on…not randomly posting sexy pron just because we feel the need to contribute, yet lack the mental capacity to put up anything meaningful or beneficial.