What if Dianne Feinstein is an Unwilling White Hat?
A “GOOD ACTOR”. Supporting data-
Summer of 2017 Sen. Feinstein sponsors legislation to LIMIT FISA data collection.
January 2018 (after MANY Congress members were announcing retirements and dropping out of races) Feinstein actually votes OPPOSITE of her OWN bill and finds that the FISA rules should stay in place until 2023. This continuation most likely allowed the Trump admin to continue gathering evidence of the Cabal activity (think cell phone pallets, BO travels, HRC travels, etc.)
January 2018- She releases to the public the transcript of Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) stating that it will hurt Trump. The truth is she did TRUMP a favor by making public all of the LIES within the report, thereby allowing the public to understand what the Left “says” the way the report came into being. Trump could then use her as a public foil (think Brer Rabbit- “how dare you release the statement!”)…and the Left loves it..
September 2018- public face of a ridiculous sexual assault claim that is not only de-bunked but handled publicly in such a way as to make the Left look silly-almost torpedoing the entire #metoo movement due to false accusations. Singlehandedly ties up the nomination process of Kavanaugh right before mid-terms. The closest analogy is a Fullback purposefully fumbling the ball at the 5 yard line preventing a touchdown.
So…What if, in November of 2017 (when Q was informing us of #FLY# names) , Dianne Feinstein was “talked to” by the Trump / Q Team and told that she has a choice- cooperate and say what they tell her to say publicly and she is allowed to run for reelection and no criminal charges will be brought for her activities over the last decade (think-kickbacks, bribes, etc.), or else she would get charged with the crimes that the rest of the HRC/BO criminals.
She agrees, flips on her own legislation regarding FISA, which allows Trump to continue monitoring the Cabal, she “accidentally” releases the Glenn Simpson transcript at Trump’s direction, which allows him to look “bad” until the truth fully comes out and serves to alert the public of the details of Simpson’s false narrative. Then makes a final stand with a bogus assault charge (when Trump knows Kavanaugh has the votes in hand), in order to make the Lunatic Left explode and show how deranged they really are, further cementing the mid-terms for Republicans. Who better to use than someone that works EXTREMELY CLOSE WITH SEN. GRASSLEY for DECADES? They are both PLAYING THEIR ROLES.
Search Q drops and you will only see Feinstein referenced recently, yet dirty crooks like MW, HRC, NP, are all mentioned multiple times. I think FEINSTEIN CUT A DEAL LAST NOVEMBER TO BE POTUS SOCK PUPPET TO SAVE HER OWN HIDE.
What makes a GOOD MOVIE? GOOD ACTORS. POTUS is forcing Feinstein to make a public FOOL of herself in order to make the public case he needs.