Anonymous ID: 8ee38f Sept. 24, 2018, 7:29 a.m. No.3164070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4077 >>4123

I realize that with so many more important topics being addressed at the moment, that this post may be overlooked or simply lost in the mix. I also realize that this pic is a month old (sorry, health issues, doing my best). BUT, this IS relevant to the D's tactics this midterm and a question about how the heck this slimeball got my cell phone number?! Is this their "poll" bc if so it's damn laughable - obviously I never answered. OF COURSE, I am Voting for Ted Cruz!!


I looked up the FCC guidelines regarding obtaining private cell numbers and unless I am mistaken, without vigorously researching via my provider, there's really nothing I can do (other than email it to Sen Cruz - will do).


In addition, after unfortunately being a part of the Texas joke, crooked Clinton BFF Sheila J.Lee's district (LITERALLY by ONE road) for just short of a decade… suddenly, I received an email from her too. It should be mentioned that NOT ONCE in all my years in her district have I received a mailer from her, call, text, email let alone seen a campaign promo on TV.


I should also mention, that this year is the FIRST year I have NOT received mailers from Republicans on the ballot, which I find odd since my common practice was using them to research the candidates. Good thing I am personally aware of other means to do so without mailers, but what about others? What kind of message does this send? If I didn't know any better it appears the only party making an effort here is the D's!

Just thinking aloud here. Wondering if anyone else has observed similar patterns. Personally, I think it should be a backup point for example to Cruz's "pouring in of lib $". Give examples! I just gave you two …. With permission to use!