Since They are going to combat the Drug problem..
Can we please talk about the legalization of Hemp CBD, for which in TEXAS and a few other states like Indiana etc. it is still not really legal to sell or produce?
The non THC Hemp CBD has so many benefits and one specifically is that it helps with curbing the desire for drugs. It relieves many symptoms from arthritis, to ADD ADHD, Epilepsy etc.
I myself, a stoner for 35 years one who has smoked pot for that long because i do have ADD/ADHD and bipolar disorder, but pot was my alternative to any meds i tried. The meds they give you, Adderal (meth in pill form) and lets not even talk about the antidepressants and the harm they do… ugh those are awful. I refused to take them after being on them for 6 months. the withdrawal from that was horrific. But CBD Hemp oil without the THC has been like a miracle drug. it even killed my craving for pot. It also helps those with drug addictions. it is healing…
Yes you can get it online, but i myself want to sell it and it has so many road blocks you would not believe it.
those road blocks are: Big Pharma and the Tobacco industry. Why? because when you use CBD you do not have the desire to smoke, drink, or have the need for a vast majority of drugs on the market made by Big Pharma….