Anon I think you may be right. I have talked to an Arcturan Collective System of Consciousness. They don't really talk like this. I mean I have seen a bunch of people saying they channel these "Arcturians" which actually that sound isn't even right in the real language. The sound of the star in the Arturan language is "Octoorus" where the "oo" kinda sounds like an (oh) and (ooo) and the same time and the r is kinda rolled. The "Oct" sound is similar to the beginning part of Octagon or the number 8 in Greek. Anyways. I see a lot of stuff beggining and ending with the same thing "We are the Arcturian Council and all that" and then they all end with " we have enjoyed connecting with you." most of what I see. Anybody can say they are channeling. And when people become used to the language patterns of people who say they are channeling and are just repeating what they hear from others who say they are channeling…. there you go. Not saying that all people who say they are channeling are not channeling something or someone or a collective system. Just that it's very it's for humans to be convinced they are channeling something or someone with the psychotronic systems programming operations we have. electromagnetic consciousness interface systems.
It's not a CE-5 I know that. Plus "Octoorans" are more direct.