Anonymous ID: 3441bb Oct. 16, 2018, 9:41 p.m. No.3505826   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Are we Alone

ETs do not specify non-humans. ETs can be ourselves. Torsion field physics and EM have been in play since at least the 1800s; monoatomic gold is likely the white powder sought in alchemy, with probable applications in field propulsion in the aforementioned, along with the ubiquitous red mercury in research relating to the Sonora Aero Club and Hans Delschau together with The Nazi Bell (die Glocke "war-decisive classification" above even their nuclear programs). Q may have conceded human presence beyond earth, rather than ayys necessarily–


>The Highest Classification

A propos The Nazi Bell's "war-decisive", apex classification, one might assume continuity therefrom with Paperclip military-industrial infrastructure collaboration post-war. Per Joseph Farrell's research, the financials governing glow in the dark alphabets' black budgets were hit in the Twin Towers & 9/11; Farrell argues a nesting egg scenario – there was no good reason for Bush to fly to a facility after reading children's books considering the risks – unless nuclear code bona fides needed to be reasserted in person by POTUS: a penetrated op, within a treasonous false flag during NORAD drills.


Farrell argues 9/11, on party got their desired Pearl Harbor, and were simultaneously serviced 'divorce papers'/given notice, perhaps by the lender of choice for the black budget intelligence spider: the Corporate Nazi 4th Imperium. If you possessed that great a technological superiority, you wouldn't just gift all of it over in Paperclip – you could trickle down, in controlled fashion, what was no longer leading edge just as the public today is presumably at least 50 years behind whatever exotic military-industrial tech is operational. And if that's the case, the anomalies in NYC alone lend themselves to a multiplicity of demolition methods – and perhaps a demonstration of just how much technological might this third party possessed was made in such a way that only those treasonous pigs would appreciate immediately on the day – whether the seismography, earth's magnetic field distortions, free fall, nuclear codes flashed, ect. ect.


Mohamed Atta had cospicuous, longstanding contact/handlers that were German, and with German funding with very deep ties to the old industrial power base there (e.g. The Carl Duisberg Society bankrolled his time in Germany) in addition to having some 5+ language fluency including German and Hebrew.


>False, moon landings are real

What was seen/heard may still have been falsified only to conceal the actual methods to do it from the Soviets/Them – Aldrin's comments about another presence and their size; "nasa" in Hebrew meaning to deceive'' –


>Programs exist (that are outside of) public domain

Whomever achieves breakaway civilization status could hold that superiority indefinitely; European colonial period might have done something similar with stricter protocols, but still enjoys a degree of it in the strategic weapons arena currently (the way this manifests as cultural & linguistic extinction/WMD proliferation/traditional 'over-population'/Malthus/carry capacity in hindsight gives pause)


The Q may only be aligned with the institutional, legacy USA but otherwise not of the USA.



>Nazis' expunging sexual deviancy research and gender reassignment surgery

See the semi-recent Ethan Hawke film, Predestination based on Heinlein's story All You Zombies – it deals with this, time travel, the occult concept of hermetic union of the sexes/ouroborous, and a Space Force. Think a much higher brow Looper essentiall this:


>So 9/11 and all false flags are just Timeline management via contained momentum


Also watch 9/10: The Final Hours – the amount of cock-slapping to the face with prescience is obscene, but necessary viewing. The black and white octegenarians' interpretive dance rehearsal ends with the director yelling "CUT!" as on of them is doing the Masonic neck slice gesture– on that note, see the Gottherd Tunnel Opening dance ceremony with its symbolic CERN & occult tie-ins.

Anonymous ID: 3441bb Oct. 16, 2018, 9:42 p.m. No.3505840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7876


>Solar Warden

If we back-engineer anything from Ayys, the gap is closed enormously. It's as if Native Americans develop firearms and all the necessary industries related to them inside 100 years of contact/downing a UFO (let's say by 1650) – colonization gets a lot more difficult, and the longer you wait, the sooner they achieve parity with things like cannon, mortars, ships and forts to wield, project, and harden them, ect. Under the assumption we are able to intelligently back-engineer anything as advanced as field propulsion et. al. ET tech, we are going to be in position to at least make ourselves an unattractive/expensive place to subjugate. – And if there are Ayys with bad intentions, they will appreciate the necessity to put the boot on Earth's neck sooner rather than later, which is perhaps the most dangerous risk posed by these cosmic backwater elites actively blocking exotic tech/space colonization.



>Gary McKinnon

We have extradition agreements with the UK, otherwise Assange wouldn't be holed up in a Guatamalen zoo cage in London. McKinnon is/was shielded by UK intelligence and probably has a medal for it.



ETs are the ultimate spook (very nice/rare egoist Pepe)



>How many times has Q said, "You are not alone"?

Compare the Dogon (Mali Tribe) and Salish (Pac. Northwest) cosmologies, which describe aquatic, ugly, friendly beings, as against Sky People in the latter, which were slavers/Anunnaki analogues.



>the Moon vibrating for over 55 minutes

If the Moon is artificial, is it a terraforming necessity, or something hostile and modifying either the EM/ect. field of the planet (and ourselves)



>Theory: Trump in Power and told the Aliens to stop abducting people?

In the Hans Dellschau papers, there are images of craft with TRUMP' on them. There was a Trump member of the Sonoro Aero Club (this would be from around the Civil War to WWI). In this context, Rudolf Steiner claimed the mystery schools had missed their chance by not preventing WWI, and that they'd have another chance in 100 years– 2013.



>She had all kinds of government documentation outlining Eisenhower, MJ-12, and the beginning of the US military reverse-engineering alien tech.

The Original Obelisk for 2001 A Space Odyssey was clear, with a radiant crown – the present day Queen was a huge fan and disappointed when it was passed over for the Saturnine, black one. It's in their possession to this day. (Pics related.)



>The cabal made a synthetic volcano at their south pole secret space program area.

Take the plots of You Only Live Twice and In Like Flint – scientist, technocrat cabals from Volcano lairs holding the world hostage. Anyways, Ian Flemming's works are hermetic/alchemical/Rosicrucian and lends themselves to this sort of signallign (John Dee, Queen Elizabeth spy/occultist signed as 007 in correspondence.)



The rarest pepes itt, very nice painted Green Lantern kekoid



>My line of thought is one that those 'beings' precede reptilians or might have created them

Molluscs and Arthropods have copper based blood – including octopodes, tarantulas, and scorpions (perhaps significant in Tauroctony in Mithraism, where Orion bisects the bull, a dog and serpent lick the blood, and a scorpion stings its testicles.) If the Dogon and Salish cosmologies are indeed fact, perhaps the Nummo/aquatic beings had hemocyanin based blood as well.



>never heard of Clif high

Forum Borealis on youtube is a great Antartic clearing house; the host gets just about everyone. Dark Journalist is also particularly thorough/encyclopedic. S3 Twin Peaks – the Arm as a dendrite is very Burning Bushy. To add to the Marilyn Monroe/JFK assasination motifs in Lynch, learned recently about the abrupt remodellign of the WH interior the day after the assassination. Jackie Kennedy was given the budget to redecorate – she had been quoted about managing AF1 design as well in a magazine, "Jack hates red" – the day after Dealy Plaza, the Oval Office had Red Carpet put in; Kennedy's chair reupholstered with red; and another meeting room turned into the interior of a Masonic temple, checker board and all. As for Tea Kettle Jeffries, Bowie's Black Star dovetails pretty amazingly, in addition to the Nazi Bell/Argentina material,

– Check out 'Mike Clelland on UFOs and Owls too

Anonymous ID: 3441bb Oct. 16, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.3506151   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>David Wilcock and Corey Goode

Satanic Blue Chicken Cultists get to bunk with the Pizza Chefs in Guantanomo, too



>Antarctic Redrum

'Red Mercury' looms large in the field propulsion/Nazi Bell/torsion field physics literature. Perhaps 'industrial waste' from 'fuel' there–



>Mars Rover

Richard Hoagland has an interesting theory about the Mars Probe and Hubbel Telescope around the time of Vince Foster's death. A NASA engineer was found in the woods within ~ 2 days of Foster's Arkancide in the woods behind a rest stop he had driven across the state to get to, just a few miles away. The Hubble telescope had been down due to a 'defective mirror' – this is the most idiot proof thing to precision manufacture and verify using technique back to the Renaissance garanteeing extreme accuracy. It was sent up there deliberately to have a less than perfect mirror, requiring physical retrieval. As this occured, NASA had delayed efforts to have the Mars Probe attempt to send what data it had before being occluded by the Sun from (nearly) all satellite communcation – all except Hubble, which could have captured the information via laser beam. The allegedly, potentially defunct Mars Probe would have provided the most detailed surface images of the Red Planet to date. This is in the context of Cydonia within the Roman cosmology (Mars Face) being so conspicuous, and former NASA nuclear physicist John Brandenberg's research into radioactive isotopes' presence indicating that Xenon-129 (rare in nature) presence radiating from two ground zeros seem to provide evidence of nuclear explosions of a strength of about 1 million one-megaton hydrogen bombs – Hubble's 'mirror problem' was presumably an excuse to covertly retrieve raw Mars surface data that could definitively solve Fermi's Paradox, particularly of Cydonia. Once the Mars Probe (could be Hubble if I'm not recalling correctly) the data drives were physically taken directly to the CIA – and after two days, only then was then President Bill Clinton briefed, presumably with tainted results.


The idea being Vince Foster, in addition to being payed to play with the Israelis and defense tech, perhaps was a mule for the Mars data through the NASA scientist (perhaps only seeking whistleblower legal representation.) Rummaging through his office files and the hastiness of the execution/cover up are characteristic of Arkancide, but may have been forced by time constraints additionally, due to 'actual' national security/black budget secrecy considerations.