Anonymous ID: 76a66f Oct. 3, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.3316831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7001 >>7246 >>9186 >>5443

Above and beyond "it works," why is everyone here so adamant that CE-5 is the ONLY way for blah blah blah? My skepticism goes off hard when someone tells me to discount everything but their own agenda. Heard that bullshit all my life. Most was wrong. I've lurked here plenty, still confused by the insistence.


FC wat do?


Anonymous ID: 76a66f Oct. 3, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.3317846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9186 >>0461


Thanks mate. I know it looks like a shilly question, but I'm very interested, and when I see the chan collective consciousness zeroing in on something, it begs asking.


For your time, let me share my own personal experience from before I had even heard of CE-5. I've been doing a meditation at night from cobra's blog (workfagging, can't be arsed to sauce it, sorry) which is essentially the same in and out visualization, with more focus on making energetic pathways from galactic center to earth. I had been doing this for some time before falling asleep at night (night shift life), and one day had a clear sensation of a positive presence wanting to know who I was. Very peaceful and warm, for lack of a better term. Like my meditations had caught someone's notice.


A week later, I had fallen asleep after meditating, and woke up to my kid coming awake like usual: banshee teething scream. Little bit interrupted what was going on, and I was unbelievably disoriented. What had happened was my consciousness was in a big classroom. Unbelievably peaceful, comforting place in a big oval shape, made out of some rusty colored stone. There were about 30 other people with me, and someone instructing. Female presence, very compassionate, and I had an impression of a white glow from her. And I was integrating understanding on something but can't recall it.


What I do recall was the wall behind her. It was part of the stone, but clear, and over a third of it was showing the earth.


From orbit.


I know something changed that day, and I think the interruption is the only reason I was aware of it, but it was one of my top 5 life moments.


I think you see why CE-5 is on my digg list. Maybe I'll have a conscious experience next. Hope so, I really want to go back dammit.


Anonymous ID: 76a66f Oct. 3, 2018, 6:21 p.m. No.3321024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1582


Not as familiar with the bilocated term. Is that where consciousness moves somewhere other than your body?


And why would I only be aware of it when I was wrenched awake suddenly?


Frankly, I'd love to help educate people, but that's still very much a leap for most people. I'm extremely intuitive (as is one of my kids, I wake her up when I meditate) so its not a big deal for me to see if a contact is positive or negative. But I can't even sway my wife on it. Yet.

Anonymous ID: 76a66f Oct. 3, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.3325228   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Honestly, anon, I've known others were out there my whole life. As a kid, SciFi was life, and I've always felt called to the stars. And I feel like one day I'll go there. I will go see what conversations I can start, because I feel strongly this will be very important very soon. Thanks for the push and the info here.



This made me almost cry. So exciting. Thanks for the share, fren.

Anonymous ID: 76a66f Oct. 4, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.3326004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6776 >>1294 >>1436 >>5279 >>0880 >>9767 >>2984 >>9165

Just got off work, and went into a field next door to do the CE-5 meditation. Felt like it was heard by someone.


Stayed out for 5-10 minutes watching the passing clouds move over the stars, and feeding mosquitos.


Bank of clouds passed to the south, and for 1-3 seconds I saw a VERY bright star through them. These were solid clouds.


Holy shit, I got an answer on the first try.


Thanks anons, I'll be doing this a lot more.

Anonymous ID: 76a66f Oct. 4, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.3332863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1387


Well, I hope so. Not to sound arrogant, but I know they're out there, and if their knowledge can be shared with the world in a grassroots Q style, we may yet progress.


I see what anons mean: ce5 is a testable way to make consensual contact. It takes one of the big issues out of the ET question: proof.

Anonymous ID: 76a66f Oct. 5, 2018, 9:14 p.m. No.3358930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8383 >>5232

Wow, such shills much fail. No, I won't give (you) or a fuck. We have a tiny ID count, and these guys shill badly on us.


Must be on to something here, that these idiots have to resort to "pedovore" conflation. Seriously, wtf does that even have to do with an ayyy board?


Now, to you poor slaves of share blue, know that you've lost. The checks you get will bounce one day. And you will be tossed aside like Vince Foster. Listen to what we say here. If you think we are idiots, fine, but don't be blind about it. Try CE-5 protocol one night. What can it hurt? If it doesn't work…you can mock us. Are you afraid that it does? And that someone non human is out there who actually cares for you? Who knows, might change your life.


In light and love.
