Anonymous ID: 76e9e1 Oct. 6, 2018, 8:07 a.m. No.3363761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4518 >>5232 >>7444 >>0880 >>9767 >>2984 >>9165


Final thoughts on the 'antarctic secret toy volcano' theory


Further I will add that if you search google / google image for 'polar orbit' you will see that some 'polar orbits' do indeed leave an uncovered pole hole while others do not. I suppose if wither they 'tightened the pole hole' so as to cover more of the unmapped pole hole, they would not cover the rest of the continent as easily and/or their sensors etc. were on a satellite that does several other things as to say they were hitching a ride.


I honestly do believe that there are strange features that are being hidden until the next version of REMA. Why did operation highjump require so many ships and soldiers? Why did the adroit and generally grounded Mae Brussell focus on Antarctica so much? Why have cabal masters and others been visiting Antarctica? Why is a ridiculous flat earth idea being professionally shilled so heavily?


There are edits that seem to not relate to possible orbital path gaps or to features that would have evaded stereoscopic imaging. Crevasses or narrow openings or small-diameter volcano holes all cannot be mapped properly by this method as the 'pings' sent out to be bounced back would bounce repeatedly within the walls of these spaces features and not produce a reflection with the necessary information.




I consider this to be a dormant lead for now, and it was already only highly tangentially Q-related.


I want to try to initiate and then participate in an academic study of the content and source of the red coloration of Antarctica's 'blood falls.' haha Any geologists want to get going on this???