"Going Full Porn": Jim Kunstler Fears Ramirez's Recollections Are Declaration Of War By The 'Resistance'
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Mon, 09/24/2018 - 12:26
The Wall Street Journal's Kimberley Strassel has been an outspoken voice of reasons among the establishment media and weighed in on the latest set of accusations against SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh with the following succinct tweet:
"The left made a mistake with this Ramirez story. It isn't just how embarrassingly flimsy it is; she was inebriated; took six days to find memories; everyone denies it. But it strongly suggests the Ford delay demands were about cooking this up. Destroys credibility all around."
Her thoughts were echoed and extended by Kunstler.com's James Howard Kunstler, who fears America is about to "Go Full Porn."
The Resistance didn’t quite hit it out of the park with Christine Blasey Ford. After all, how effective for the purpose of character assassination is a claim of “attempted rape” without even a when-and-where piece of the story? So the DC Dem-Progs have gone to their bench and found a real thumper in Deborah Ramirez who steps forward now with the ultimate giant-killer story of Brett Kavanaugh “thrusting his penis in her face and causing her to touch it without her consent,” (as reported in The New Yorker Magazine by Ronan Farrow, America’s self-appointed great white penis-hunter, and estranged son of filmmaker Woody Allen, infamous, reputed penis-mishandler).