lol, another tweet, impeachment threat, hearing. This is so stupid.
Why would they melt down over Trump letting Himmler stay? If Himmler stays, he can keep obstructing. If Himmler is fired, they can accuse Trump of obstructing.
What optics? We voted Trump in because we're tired of bs optics.
ah,cannabis. This should keep people content for a while. Nice distraction Gaetz
Well, I personally really like doing the Q-Trump Twitter crossword puzzles here. So, sorry if that's not good enough for you. Plus, my belief that Al Qaeda used planes on 9/11 was recently confirmed by Q. Cry moar.
Well, the criminals in govt will continue creating excuses, drama, and false accusations. It will never stop. You can't win by reasoning with every one of their moves.
In-law relatives are in town. They say they're coming for dinner, but show up in the late morning while I'm mowing the lawn. They get offended because apparently I mowed the lawn to avoid seeing them. I shower, visit with them, and they leave after 2 hours to go visit friends. It was brought up by them 5 years later in an argument.
Had the grass been long when they arrived, they would've bitched about that. It's not that they personally hate me or anything. Some people are just that way. Obnoxious, selfish, mean, rude. You can't win with some people, especially sociopaths in Congress and mentally and emotionally unstable voters.
Right, now we're back to Congress taking action. Circlejerk.