The first commercially available cellphone did not appear till October 1983 and they were selling for nearly $4000. Even then, almost nobody had one. Some high school girl most certainly didn't have one in 1982.
FWIW, RealEyeTheSpy has tried to claim he is responsible for Bill's disappearance. His track record is strange, to say the least.
Well, to be fair, maybe not directly responsible, but at least indirectly.
Some idiot that got busted with his twin brother running Ponzi Schemes. Details are sketchy how that turned out (not so much lacking, just sketchy).
Yeah, something like that. He said that Bill was safe, but off doing normal people stuff now and won't be back.
This guy RTs about everything. Interesting account.
They're already going. Look at the list of those that aren't running.
@55true4u (72 seconds) has been posting a lot about HH lately.