Please don't reply to namefags :(
BO, I hope the cancerous PMs have let up (at least for a while) and that you're feeling a bit better than you were the other night.
I hope all of you anons have taken steps to secure some emergency supplies: food, water, vitamins, candles, guns & ammunition, basic medicines, other first aid supplies… what else am I missing here?
We've been warned to plan for 2 weeks of disrupted services due to civil unrest. And remember that in any disaster, the biggest threat to a prepared individual is UNPREPARED INDIVIDUALS.
Maybe at a certain point you're best off not reading them anymore. Do you ever get PMs that are actually valuable, that you need to see? Or is it time to make the call that the damage to your comfy is not worth it, and just stop checking your PMs?
There's nothing whatsoever I can do to help, other than encourage you and thank you for your efforts.
I'm eagerly awaiting a long-term, widespread solution to help Humanity deal with the parasite(s).
I am one of those people who can handle hearing every last unsettling detail without ending up mentally broken, so I wish I would have the option to properly understand the nature of this epidemic so I can more effectively fight it.
I don't mean the cabal or the deep state. I mean the metaphysical infection that feeds off of negative energy.
Are there ANY reddit-style boards that aren't 100% comped? What's your opinion on T_D? I can't stand the format, the whole "upvote" game, or how the site admins let bots and leftists do whatever they want but stomp on patriots for the most minor or most invented infractions. It seems like even the T_D mods do a lot of questionable banning and post deletion. I can't make sense of it.
Chans are better, anyway… Not sure why anyone who's a regular here would need third-hand sources like Reddit. Are you getting these shitty PMs on Voat?
Ohh–are you referring to a Blue Beam event orchestrated by the deep state? An attempt to make us believe aliens or Biblical entities have arrived? Or perhaps that a ELE-type event (Solar storm, meteorite\asteroid) is occurring?
Surprisingly, I've actually been able to redpill quite a few normies by showing them the infographics about Bluebeam, the articles about the missing 10+ trillion from the Pentagon budget, pics relating to John Podesta's UFO obsession, and the late 2017 news blitz about UFO sightings accompanying the strange meteor strikes near the great lakes (those pictures alone make people super curious).
You can get more specific with me if you like, I have a very open mind and I'll consider any theories as possibilities until I learn facts that preclude them from being true. Thanks for posting.
35 posts is a lot, but it's clear after weeks of reading your posts that you are not a shill. Just wordy… On night bread that's not an automatic sin.
As to the firmament, I have not settled my mind on a topological model for the Earth. I'm fairly certain it's NOT flat or hollow, but that there is a much more extensive underworld than we realize (especially now that the Cabal have built so many DUMBs), and that the Earth may be larger than we realize, as well.
What is the firmament if not a glass dome covering a flat Earth? Or do you have a different interpretation or model that doesn't cook my brain?
I had a thought. What if the parasite IS Satan? What if we are all Satan's cage? Each human being entraps a small fragment of Satan's darkness within the light of God that we are given? And we must battle with these conflicting forces our entire life–sometimes, the parasite overpowers our better faculties and we do evil. But ultimately this situation exists because God is trying to redeem Satan one fragment at a time?
Oh yeah, man. DEWs are definitely real. I've studied the Philadelphia Experiment and all of the later works of Tesla and the Hutchison effect in great detail. No one can convince me that DEWs are not real because I've seen the batshit crazy things that are possible with high-energy and high-frequency EM fields and other physical effects. I'm sure with the right frequency of radio waves you could turn all the iron atoms in a person's body into plasma and cause cellular asphyxiation by destroying all the heme…
Yes, that's who they speak of when they talk about Light-Workers. I won't claim to be such a being because I have no idea, and God knows I've struggled with my own darkness to n end. But I would imagine such beings would be so inexorably drawn to doing the Light's Work that it would almost seem fated, carved in stone, how they would be unable to avoid it or forsake it.
Wasted 2 pairs on a fake news photo that isn't Dr. Ford. Sad!
There's nothing wrong with an occasional double-bagger hate-fuck, Anon. And you don't have to pull out, either.