Soooo… do all this work to take away power from the government only to give it back to our new overlords? No thanks. Google/YT/<insert social media gianthave what they have because of government "help" in the first place. Let's get them out first then see what happens.
He absolutely is.
As you note, everything bad about him is always (literally) fake news. He has gone out of his way to make sure everyone knows "no Americans were involved" in every indictment, and, above all else, EVERYONE on the left is screaming to keep him in place.
Trump couldn't ask for a better exoneration. "But you said we have to accept his results." BTFO.
Q has referred to the signifigance of his confirmation vote, too. Sessions would never have been believed.
Finally, if RR did not recommend Comey's firing, guess who would have been (still) running the "muh Russia" investigation?
Tell me that's a better option.
Paid by reply… just keep that in mind.
That was genius. Getting rid of those Preet holdovers. Then Lanny Davis completely undermines the Steele Dossier by pointing out how all of the Cohen references were nonsense.
Swamp. Read the authorization letter. It doesn't say what people think it says. It's about the spies that were inserted into his campaign.
Only plausible if there's another authorization letter. Well, there is, but it involved Manafort apparently. The SC law is written in a way to constrain powers. What happened with Starr was too much (and that part of the law expired).
Very interdasting.
It means extreme duress… or just a pin that spun because it's not very snug.