let me repeat myself
neck yourself you scummy, pathetic faggot whose worth less than dirt underneath my fucking shoes. you are an insignificant clown, nothing you said in the previous bread had any value, you implied searching for bill smith should be left to the "law enforcement" the same law enforcement that we all know is complicit in literally burying the fucking Tucson child trafficking camp, obliterating the New Mexico terrorist training camp, etc - and we're supposed to trust that same law enforcement? we CANT trust them. this is WAR. and the only people who think the judicial system or the "law enforcement" is going to have their own best interests in mind are boot licking little cunts who have no clue how bad the corruption really is and how they don't give a FUCK about you so long as they get their bonuses for letting MS13 traffick fucking children to elitist cabal occult fucks and allow drugs to be ran up and down our international corridors.
on that note - i sincerely hope you fucking kill yourself for being an insignificant moron with nothing to add to the bill smith issue besides your own bullshit opinion.
when choosing your rope i suggest you select the kind of the red scarf variety, locate the nearest shotgun and shoot yourself twice in the back of the head and take a slide down a garbage chute into Abedin & Weiner's trash can.
little fuckin cuck boi bitch go back to reddit faggot