You too nig. Sorry I was afk. Catching up now.
Please elaborate.
Cat fight
It's cool we're watching.
And thank you too. You're the shit.
No man the cancerous PMs get gayer every day.
You don't wanna know dude.
Holy crap I've seen this before.
I don't want to forgive him.
He played us all. He was a different person in DMs.
He can fucking kill himself.
Yes FartOnToast is cancer. (r/T_GA owner)
We fucking watch you glowing faggots.
All of you make us sick.
My nigga.
Keep putting on your fake fucking mask to the public.
We have your DMs. We know the real you.
Fuck you.
You glowing faggots have no idea how much we laugh at you.
Top fuckin wew.