Anonymous ID: 05d587 Sept. 25, 2018, 4:46 a.m. No.3177126   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They got a Pulitzer last year. Now with one rushed story that has zero basis in reality they're hacks & credibility is less than National Enquirer. Dems just going crazy by trying to find anyone they can use. This Ramirez woman had to call friends to ask if they remembered her with Kavanaugh. She's got zero credibility. Stay with the FORD story because that's where its going to play out. If she shows that's 1 thing. What she says under oath is a 2nd thing - and she'll perjure herself with no problem & then say it was a false memory if she's brought up on any charges - but this is DC and the DC courts are liberal. Which is why GWBush put in Kavanaugh on the appeals court. If he can't go to the Supremes his life is over in DC.