Anonymous ID: 257888 Sept. 25, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.3176549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6561 >>6576 >>6594 >>6718 >>6756


Antarctica's blood red river:


Here is a very new reference elevation map of Antarctica (REMA):

Note the research group comments that an area they call the 'pole hole' will be added soon. Looking at the map, the pole area is blurred out with a nearly complete circle of almost 200 miles diameter. What is at the south pole? What is the pole hole? What is also blurred out on all other available online maps?


(For some background on Antarctica, see Mae Brussel's work as can be found on Youtube or in transcript form.)


Historically rich red colored rivers are created by ongoing volcanic activity. There is far less historical precedent for glacial melt rivers creating such a bright river. I assume this is because the 'differential layers' that freeze as time passes through the eruption event are very different from the eventual differential melt layers. The Antarctica red river seems to be incredibly bright red to be anything other than an active volcano effect. Many of the articles presenting theories of the river do not even mention Antarctica's intense and recent and potentially ongoing volcanic activity.


Why not use the most obvious theory to explain the red river? Why is this very obvious most probable reason seemingly dodged?


Conjecture: The cabal have created a synthetic volcano at the south pole, and it is rapidly ablating material and expanding in size. This volcano is the cause of the hole in the ozone layer; ozone depletion being another known effect of Volcanic activity. At the pole, the cabal also have a secret space program as well as other places/objects. The cabal might even be so stupid and crass that they created the volcano as a hear source.


Perhaps the 'unimaginable bigness' of all of this is due to extraterrestrials having to assist us in stopping this world-destroying process.



Also of note, check out Antarctica videos on Youtube by 'Florida Maquis'. This user, along with others he mentions, have found a few very strange images/objects. This most interesting find involves an object that appears through the ice over years, eventually being excavated. It appears that blood/anti-freeze is sprayed liberally in several areas that also include darkened and blurred 'pits' in the snow. What / whose bodies were excavated and destroyed? Why was a HAARP system built near this emerged and excavated object?

Anonymous ID: 257888 Sept. 25, 2018, 3:01 a.m. No.3176688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709


I would like to know more about what was being done to the Antartica German research station.

It was covered in ice, and then emerges, so they seem to possibly react to this and excavate / tend to the site in some way.

Maybe the red stains and blurred out pits were in fact bodies/blood.

Maybe some large group of people needed to be erased, and here is where they were put.

Maybe Antarctica is where many of the bodies are buried.

I wonder if the Malaysian flight unloaded its people to some strange final location in Antarctica…

Anonymous ID: 257888 Sept. 25, 2018, 3:07 a.m. No.3176718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6738


perhaps the seemingly abandoned German research station of the second photo was a liability that had to be excavated upon emergence from being totally snowed under. Antarctica seems like a decent place to totally erase people. Perhaps some unluckly group met their demise in this station. Maybe the Malaysian flight unloaded its people to some strange final location in Antarctica. Maybe there were bodies in that German station that had to be dealt with, and these people did a terrible job, mutilating frozen bodies to harvest adrenal glands. Perhaps these people crave adrenal secretions so much they are willing to botch a body-erasure site and make a total mess in order to get high…

Anonymous ID: 257888 Sept. 25, 2018, 3:11 a.m. No.3176738   🗄️.is 🔗kun


note that the central roof lines/sctucture of the german station seems to be bent just 'above' halfway along its length. This station appears to be in a damaged condition. Any damaged structure that is bent to this degree would not be functional in Antarctica. (might need a space heater)