GOD bless you all.
That isn't his brother speaking Bobo.
You haven't researched Voice to Skull? Where have you lot been? Under a rock?
Hmmm.. reminds me of someone too.
Sauce for it being staged? Your opinion here is shite without sauce.
Dude, many of us are being bombarded. Ignore it, laugh at it. They are cowards, they will never approach you. If it's really getting to you, get out more.
I'm waiting on a gun being pulled one of these days, shoved straight up the nose of the attacker!
No it isn't.
This is a very real scenario anon. Most kernel coders are going to pull their commits. I reckon though that they'll fork the last Torvolds kernel and submit their code there under new licenses which protect against this type of intrusion.
Still no sauce asshole? Cry harder.
I love that photo! GOD bless POTUS.
Linux Mint isn't really safe anon, their update system sucks shite. You'd be happier running Antergos with your favorite desktop. You can choose desktop during the install. Antergos is ArchLinux made easy.
The kernel debacle is VERY real anon.
Forks are the best thing about open source. We will be fine once the dust settles :)
I wasn't talking to you asswipe!