Anonymous ID: 503e4c Sept. 25, 2018, 6:07 a.m. No.3177527   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump released a two-part tweet on Friday, September 21, which confirmed that he has been discussing with key US allies the release of unredacted versions of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Court application filed in June 2017 to renew a permit for the US intelligence community to spy on individuals associated with the Trump administration and his 2016 Presidential campaign. The tweet followed Q posts from September 19 which described panic among key US allies related to the release of the unredacted FISA application.


Trump’s admission follows his Presidential Directive issued on September 17 instructing the Justice Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to declassify and release approximately 20 pages of the FISA Court application without redactions. Previously, the application was released in a heavily redacted form ostensibly to protect national security.


However, it quickly emerged that the redactions had nothing to do with national security. They were instead intended to save Deep State officials and key US allies from being exposed and embarrassed over the use of the Steele dossier as a justification to spy on Trump’s campaign. Fox News analyst Greg Jarrett writes:


In July, a substantial portion of the wiretap warrant applications presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was declassified. It turns out that no vital sources or methods were revealed in a way that jeopardized either national security or the FBI’s secret investigative techniques. Instead, we learned that much of the application to spy on a Trump campaign associate, Carter Page, was based on an unverified “dossier” that was funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and composed by a British spy, Christopher Steele, who was fired by the FBI for lying.


The concerns of Britain and Australia, in particular, is that the unredacted version will show how they and other key US allies were involved in the development and distribution of the unverified dossier through the Five Eyes agreement between the US, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


Q has previously described how the Five Eyes agreement provided a mechanism for Deep State officials from the US, Britain, Australia and other Five Eyes nations to collude in fabricating the Steele dossier as an “insurance policy” in case Trump won the election.

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Anonymous ID: 503e4c Sept. 25, 2018, 6:31 a.m. No.3177699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One day after Axios White House Correspondent Jonathan Swan sent markets reeling by reporting that Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had "verbally resigned" in a conversation with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, Swan is back with what he claims is the text of the resignation letter that the DOJ sent to the White House on Rosenstein's behalf.


The letter, which was reportedly written in the voice of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, declared that Sessions was "confident" that Noel Francisco, the solicitor general who is said to be more amenable to Trump, would dutifully carry out the oversight of the Mueller probe.

Importantly, Axios said the statement's veracity was confirmed by three sources. Read the brief statement in full below:


Rod Rosenstein has served the Department of Justice with dedication and skill for 28 years. His contributions are many and significant. We all appreciate his service and sincerely wish him well.


Matt Whitaker, my Chief of Staff for the last year, will instill confidence and uphold the integrity of the Department as the second highest law enforcement officer in the Nation.


Finally, I am confident that Noel Francisco will oversee the special counsel with a commitment to justice as Acting Attorney General for this matter. As I have said before, the American people deserve an expeditious resolution of this investigation consistent with the rule of law.


According to Axios, talks over Rosenstein's resignation were effectively foiled after Axios published its misleading report, setting off a frenzy of media speculation that forced the White House to reconsider its tactics after markets tanked and allies of Trump warned against letting Rosenstein leave. Rosenstein initially offered his resignation to Kelly on Friday, and negotiations had been ongoing over the weekend.


Still, there's one important piece of the puzzle that Axios doesn't yet know:


What I don't yet know: How exactly the conversation between Rosenstein and Kelly changed on Monday. I don't know what terms he had demanded and how, if at all, his demands changed from Friday to Monday. As of now, it's possible that he remains Deputy Attorney General for the foreseeable future. He meets with President Trump on Thursday.


With Rosenstein expected to meet with Trump on Thursday, his fate remains uncertain. On the one hand, a New York Times report published Friday claiming that Rosie had been pushing cabinet officials to invoke the 25th amendment in what would have been a palace coup made the Deputy AG look not just bad, but biased in his oversight of the Mueller probe. On the other hand, many Trump allies have warned that firing Rosie would be "a trap" for the president.


Whatever happens, we should know more by the end of the week, as the White House will likely be looking to seize control of the narrative to avoid another bout of chaos like what investors experienced on Monday.

Anonymous ID: 503e4c Sept. 25, 2018, 6:35 a.m. No.3177728   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The White House is open to the idea of a second accuser of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh testifying at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Thursday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a television interview Tuesday morning.


The committee plans to hear testimony from Christine Blasey Ford, the California professor who has accused President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee of sexually assaulting her when they were high school students.


On Tuesday, Sanders was asked whether Deborah Ramirez, a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Yale University, should also be allowed to testify. Ramirez alleges that Kavanaugh exposed himself at a party when both were first-year students.


Anonymous ID: 503e4c Sept. 25, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.3177760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7775 >>7856

BERLIN — A report to be released Tuesday documents the sexual abuse of more than 3,600 people by 1,670 clergy members within Germany’s Catholic Church over a period of 68 years — and even those numbers probably underestimate the scale of the problem, the authors say.


Abuse of that magnitude constitutes one of the largest Catholic Church scandals in Europe. But at the same time, it is not altogether surprising to many church watchers. Evidence of widespread abuse and its coverup has been found in every jurisdiction that has launched an investigation. Australia, Chile and several U.S. states are part of the growing list.


The German report, commissioned by the German Bishops’ Conference and conducted by researchers from three German universities, provides a snapshot not only of abuse but of the trauma and isolation faced by victims long afterward.


It also contradicts a narrative held among some in the church that the abuse cases coming to light now are all old and that the problem has since been addressed. The German researchers said abuse occurred throughout the period they examined, from 1946 until 2014.


“We are experiencing a very dark hour in our church’s history, which will hopefully result in a cleansing and renewal,” Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck, from Essen, wrote in a letter to his diocese. “The dangers are far from being exorcised. We must fear that there is and could still be sexual abuse among us.”


Pope Francis acknowledged Tuesday that sex abuse scandals are driving people away from the church. Speaking in Estonia at the end of a tour of Baltic states, he told a gathering of young people, “We have to realize that in order to stand by your side, we need to change many situations that, in the end, put you off,” the Associated Press reported.


An advance copy of the 356-page report was shared with The Washington Post by Die Zeit, a German weekly. The report does not detail the experience of individual victims, nor does it provide the names of alleged abusers or those who helped protect them.

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