didn’t make a claim to it.
The movie ANON sure paints a cheerie picture for total surveillance.
It also blocks views by normies. Bad thing?
I did post pics of chemtrails. I watch then through a spotter scope. There is absolutely every difference between chemtrails and contrails.
Q did say “narrative shift”.
World on notice. DoNot fuck with us!
POTUS saw the germans laffin.
Bet thats gonna cost
How will the Dems soin this UN speech?
I’m getting the puke bucket ready.
You see those fucking Germans laughing. I’ll bet POTUS did
POTUS blew the un up today.
Fuckers on notice for sure.
We warned you one year ago, you did not listen.
Muther fuckers hearing me now?
Ok, wording is diff but you get the idea…
The public awakens. We’ve been at war for a long time my friend!