Anonymous ID: ba32fd Sept. 25, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.3178131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8606

>>3177944 (pb)



Yes, Katz being on her campaign is a NOTABLE but this pic, if truly from this past August, DIRECTLY ties HRC to the current K smear campaign. I offer that it be added and also that our beloved MEMEFARMERS get going on this pic to counter the agitprop of thousands being bused into D.C. to protest. ThanQ.

Anonymous ID: ba32fd Sept. 25, 2018, 8:04 a.m. No.3178558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8611 >>8774

Beloved planefags of the Kekistani Airforce thank you for your service.


I wanted to pass along an article of interest which may assist in your invaluable work. Forgive me if this is basic info and already known to you. This article from the Aviationist (11/17/16) describes an incident which took place over Denver the day before on 11/16. Apparently the mysterious aircraft which flew "a racetrack pattern" for quite awhile was "just" a E6 - B Mercury Doomsday Plane. I did some digging and these aircraft fly these patterns when they have their mile-long very low frequency radio antennae in order to communicate with our ballistic missile and attack submarine fleet. It appears that something very spoopy was happening that day which MAY BE related to General Mike Rogers' covert trip to see Team Trump in NYC on 11/17/16. Now, I had originally meant to post this to alert you to such patterns and planes. However, "sucha flail" reported that under Salt II, notice of these flights must be given to the signatories prior to take off. SF reported that the Rooskies detected the flight and immediately contacted Gen. Rogers who then immediately ordered that the aircraft (call sign IRON99) stand down and land which it did. So, here's a nice pic of the pattern for you but why exactly did Rogers secretly see Trump? Only about the illegal surveillance? God Bless and carry on.