Leaked photos show Russian military likely delivered S-300 to Syria already
Leaked photos show Russian military likely delivered S-300 to Syria already
Justice Department drafted exit statement for Rod Rosenstein
The draft statement from Sessions says: "Rod Rosenstein has served the Department of Justice with dedication and skill for 28 years. His contributions are many and significant. We all appreciate his service and wish him well."
The draft statement goes on to say that Sessions' chief of staff Matt Whitaker would go on to serve as his deputy, and that Noel Francisco, the Solicitor General, would serve as the Acting Attorney General overseeing the special counsel investigation.
/again axios, i know/
In new letter from Dr Ford’s Attorney to the Judiciary Committee, they again object to having outside counsel ask the questions for republicans at Thursday’s hearing, and ask for the name and resume of who that person will be.
Dear Chairman Grassley,
We write in response to the email sent by Michael Davis this afternoon and the letter from you that he included.
We are finding it difficult to reconcile your letter and Mr. Davis' note with the Majority Leader's speech this afternoon on the Senate floor. As Dr. Blasey Ford has been clear since her experience was first made public, she came forward because she believes it is her civic duty to tell the truth about the sexual assault she experienced. She is coming to Washington at your invitation to share her experience with senators as they consider a lifetime appointment to our nation's highest court. You said in your letter that intend to provide a "fair and credible" process that provides Dr. Blasey Ford "fair and respectful" treatment. Yet earlier today the Majority Leader dismissed Dr. Ford's experience as a "smear campaign," claiming mistakenly that the witnesses' to the Committee constitute "a complete lack of evidence," implying that there has been a thorough investigation. This and statements he has made previously are flatly inconsistent with your letter.
The refusal of the White House to request that the FBI reopen Judge Kavanaugh's background check precluded a thorough non-partisan investigation of this matter. And the hearing plan that Mr. Davis described does not appear designed to provide Dr. Blasey Ford with fair and respectful treatment.
In our view, the hiring of an unnamed "experienced sex crimes prosecutor," as Mr. Davis described in his email, is contrary to the Majority's repeated emphasis on the need for the Senate and this Committee's members to fulfill their constitutional obligations. It is also inconsistent with your stated wish to avoid a "circus," as well as Dr. Blasey Ford's repeated requests through counsel that senators conducted the questioning. This is not a criminal trial for which the involvement of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor would be appropriate. Neither Dr. Blasey Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh is on trial. The goal should be to develop relevant facts, not try a case.
Mr. Davis's [sic] comparison of the hearing on Thursday to the Watergate or Iran-Contra hearings is disingenuous. As you know, neither occurred in the Judiciary Committee. The Watergate hearings were conducted by the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities; they lasted for months resulting in over 319 hours being televised. The Iran-Contra hearings were conducted by a joint committee of the House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran and the Senate Selection Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition that lasted 41 days. The outside counsel hired to those Committees did not come on board to ask questions of witnesses three days before the hearings started. The central point is that there is no precedent for this Committee to bring in outside counsel for the sole purpose of shielding the members of the Committee from performing their responsibility to question witnesses.
Mr. Davis still has not responded to a number of outstanding questions about the hearings, including an explanation of the role of the "experienced sex crimes prosecutor" in the Committee format. Please identify this person and ask your staff to send us her resume immediately. We respectfully request to meet with her tomorrow. We are available for a call with the Majority and Minority staff to discuss the remaining questions anytime.
Thank you for your consideration of these important matters.
Very yours truly,
Michael R. Bromwich
At 41:31 Admiral Rogers says the following:
Remember what it is that we do. We serve the citizens of this nation and our friends and allies around the world. And we never, never violate that trust.
41:20 - 41:50
Sky is falling