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To add a little bit more
Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page and Robert Levinson all have Russia organized crime in background.
Ohr’s job in the Justice Department involved facing off against Russian crime boss Semion Mogilevich whose operatives have been using Trump branded properties to launder millions of dollars for more than three decades.
However, little attention was paid to what may well be the most interesting item on Page’s resume—her considerable experience prosecuting money laundering cases involving Russian organized crime, including working with the FBI’s task force in Budapest to prosecute a money-laundering case against Dmitry Firtash, the Ukrainian oligarch who partnered with both Paul Manafort and Semion Mogilevich.
(Always appear to tie POTUS via property, no other connection noted)
Levinson had retired from the FBI in 1998 and had become self-employed as a private investigator, his specialty was Russian organized crime gangs. Both Levinson and the CIA analyst who hired him, Anne Jablonski, specialized in Russian organized crime and not Iranian issues.
Robert Otto – State Department – Bureau of Intelligence and Research specializing in Russia. Received emails from Nellie and Bruce Ohr since at least March 2016 relating to Natalia Veselnitskaya. Otto’s wife is Anne Jablonski. Jablonski worked for CIA (CIA’s top Russian organized crime expert) until forced resignation in May 2008. Jablonski was CIA handler for retired FBI Agent Robert Levinson who was kidnapped and remains missing in Iran. Oleg Deripaska would be enlisted in 2009 by then-FBI Director Robert Mueller for help in obtaining the release of Levinson. Andrew McCabe recruitedDeripaska for the attempt. Clinton State Department killed the deal..
Nellie Ohr is the wife of former Associate Deputy AG – Bruce Ohr. Conduit for documents passed to FBI through DOJ’s Bruce Ohr. Simpson and Bruce & Nellie Ohr have known each other since at least 2010. The Ohr’s have knownSteel since at least 2006. Nellie Ohr was Professor of Russian Studies at Vasser during 90’s. Edward Baumgartner (hired by Fusion to work w/Veselnitskaya & Christopher Steele) studied at Vasser (Russian Studies) this time. Ohr was a conduit between Steele/Fusion and Bruce Ohr/DOJ. Ohr sent emails regarding Natalia Veselnitskaya to Robert Otto – State Department – Bureau of Intelligence and Research specializing in Russia.
Articles apear to attribute Steele knowing Ohr from 2006 from a conference in Russia. It may further be a possibility that they knew each other if the previous bread links to regime change and the Litvinenko affair and the hopes of tieing the assassination of Litvinenko to Pres. Putin via the radioactive material via ROC.