Anonymous ID: e6cdab Sept. 25, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.3179841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9916

Can you imagine all the SJW programmers that hate Trump and his supporters, Seems AI will do us all in

Robot Manufacturers Warn ‘Bug In AI Code’ Will Lead To Murder Sprees


Autonomous weaponry is poised to be thrust into the military market and used by the world’s leading nations.

But an expert in artificial intelligence believes their introduction will come at a truly devastating cost.


Oklahoma University lecturer Dr Subhash Kak has warned a flaw in their design could result in a large number of deaths.


Dr Kak told Daily Star Online: “The manufacturers are cognisant of such malfunction of fault which they will do their best to minimise or eliminate.


“At the same time they would pressure parliament or other legislative bodies to give them exemption from liability.


“There could be a bug in the code of the robot that promotes such behaviour.”

Anonymous ID: e6cdab Sept. 25, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.3179972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0004 >>0011 >>0047

Coming to America compliments of Google, FB, Twitter and the MSM if we don't stop it


China’s Technological System to Control Dissenters

Sesame Credit is the all-encompassing technological and authoritarian system

now used by China to control its citizenry. China has been emerging as a New World Order model for decades. Although there is a superficial facing off between the US-led West on one side, and China-Russia on the other side, the NWO plan is to use the friction created in these geopolitical battles to merge all the nations of the world under a One World Government. Many NWO controllers have long displayed open admiration for the Chinese model of authoritarianism, centralized power and the large amount of control it wields over its massive population. Recently China introduced a massive society-wide system called Zhima Credit (Sesame Credit), a full-spectrum social credit system that assigns a score to citizens based on how “good” they are. This system is based on gamification, i.e. the gamifying of virtually every human endeavor, itself based on the exploitation of brain chemistry (dopamine hits) and human psychology. However, it’s not just a harmless game; it can have serious real-world consequences. Chinese journalist Liu Hu felt the brunt of the Chinese NWO model when he was denied the ability to buy property, take out a loan, buy an airplane ticket or even to travel on Chinese trains.

Anonymous ID: e6cdab Sept. 25, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.3180105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0258

Key Hezbollah financier arrested in Brazil after years on the run


Brazilian police have announced the arrest of Assad Ahmad Barakat, a Lebanese national who is believed to be one of the most prolific international financiers for the Shiite group Hezbollah. Barakat was born in Lebanon but fled to Paraguay in the mid-1980s in the midst of Lebanon’s brutal civil war. He began an import-export business and eventually acquired Paraguayan citizenship. He gradually built a small business empire in Paraguay, which included engineering and construction, as well as transportation firms. Throughout that time, however, Barakat maintained strong connections with Hezbollah, the paramilitary group that has a strong following among Lebanon’s large Shiite Muslim community.