Anonymous ID: 953f42 Sept. 25, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.3181656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1662 >>1686 >>1707 >>1712 >>1723 >>1834


what i've never understood is this "female advantage" thing

yea when you're dealing with a man you have the advantage that he wants to fuck you and will listen to you

you do not have that advantage with other men


just like when you're a man you have the advantage that a woman you're speaking to may want to fuck you so she will listen to you

plus you have the advantage that men want to speak to you bc you're a man in the man's club


whereas women are catty and competitive and if you're a woman talking to another woman you have no advantages


if anything, it should be crystal clear that proclaiming your manhood gets you way more preferential treatment than proclaiming your womanhood

one gets you in the club

the other gets you demeaned/objectified and kept out or kicked out of the club


there are no girls on the internet

just like there were no girls in the voting booths

no girls allowed to own property

no girls allowed to to go to school


where the fuck are we, saudi arabia?

Anonymous ID: 953f42 Sept. 25, 2018, 12:34 p.m. No.3181808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1820 >>1844 >>1874 >>1877 >>1911

>>3181212 men genderfag here every day and let's be real the only reason tits or gtfo is a thing is because most of you are too ugly to get pussy and subconsciously resent women for continually friend-zoning you


that and you realize there are more attractive alpha males on the internet and you don't want to compete with them



Anonymous ID: 953f42 Sept. 25, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.3181882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1908 >>1910


that's another reason though

don't see them in real life so you have to demand them on here


i'm not saying there's anything wrong with tits. i'm just saying the gtfo part is medieval. if you asked nicely and didn't judge, i'm sure plenty would post their tits. we're anonymous right? no way of tracking tits. but instead we get this bullshit where women have to tip toe to avoid any mention of anything remotely feminine and basically pretend to be men.


isn't that what all of you DONT want? you hate feminism but you want women to be men on the internet.


hypocrisy. cognitive dissonance. sad.