so TP is reporting on clownchan "rumors" now. they just lost a lot of credibility with me anons.
>Fortnite is a really fun third person shooter / battle royale. My kids play it heavily, get loads of wins, and have no issues.
yes they do. they are probably addicted to it. combine that with the sugar addiction most kids have these days, the propaganda and classroom indoctrination teaching them every natural thought and idea they have is wrong. not to mention the sexual innuendos that are in all their shows and movies that are marketed heavily to them. yes anon, your kids do have issues. everyone's does if they live in the matrix. everyone's.
sugar is in EVERYTHING. you need to go back anon, you are not ready.
you cant actually be this retarded and still find you're way to 8chan. enjoy your pic related faggot.
such ignorance on the board these days. the price we pay for going mainstream i guess anons. the normies they are a plenty.
>Why would Christine Blasey Ford suddenly claim that her EMail was hacked?
first ive heard of it. sauce always helps anon.
you'll never hear me ree. take your dumbass back to paytriots soapbox where it belongs faggot. you dont belong here.
what im afraid of is how gullible "anons" are these days. read it and believe it is what ive been seeing lately, hence the normies a plenty observation.