YOU are a portrayer of child torture posting these.
The artist is known cabal.
Doesn't post the pics from the neck down cuz these children are being tortured to get the pic.
YOU are a sick FUK
YOU are a portrayer of child torture posting these.
The artist is known cabal.
Doesn't post the pics from the neck down cuz these children are being tortured to get the pic.
YOU are a sick FUK
Separated at birth?
Arch of baaal scheduled to arrive in DC tomorrow.
Just noticed it's eerily like Union Terminal- Cincinnati.
This is where ALL recruits from the mid-west were sent to board trains on their to Okinawa.
Disagree. Union Terminal is a larger structure, not just an arch. It has the pillars, it contains the arch. I see it. I know.
Sauce is looking at you.
See the pillars on either side of the clock?
See the arch?
Open your eyes.
Looming cat fight right there!