2,900 tweets and counting for a tweet maligning someone with patently false information. Mitchell works for the Maricopa County Attorney, not Maricopa County Sheriff.
2,900 tweets and counting for a tweet maligning someone with patently false information. Mitchell works for the Maricopa County Attorney, not Maricopa County Sheriff.
Eight big problems for Christine Blasey Ford’s story
You'd think @JRubinBlogger would've seen at least one Law & Order and realized the hour's split in half.
>As Highest Ranking Anon I have no superiors.
Not confirmed that Avenatti got punked by 4CHAN to think he'd dug up "mud" but it is confirmed that he now has a cot in CNN studio to be on the "News/Porn network nonstop. Avenatti moves more dirt than a bulldozer at construction site!
>Patterns emerging…one (or more) of these 6 senators have some VERY dirty laundry. Can't wait to see what it is.
They all have dirty laundry
But the Dems needed options for a 2020 Presidential run / so some had to stay away from the [RR] set up