If you flip the chans, it is as if you enter a new timeline on the same planet. Did the Obama Administration believe all the lies they spewed? Or were they in a parallel reality of their own? . If that’s the case, these parallels aren’t in tangent any longer. They are intersecting. For safety speed is essential or lingering too long will bring more pain than necessary. Two solid objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. The queen can move as any other piece, except as the knight. The knight hops and covers up to 8 squares. For “covering the board” 2 knights are more effective than other pieces and can be rapidly deployed. They can’t be blocked except when a piece of their own color occupies the desired space.
New subject
Teleportation vs time travel
If you’re in one spot and suddenly “move” to another
But the necessary time has not elapsed for that movement (on foot, on a horse, on a bike, in a car, airplane)
As determined by a more ‘normal’ mode of transportation
Have you traveled through time.
Or have you “teleported”?
Right now I’m beside myself.
I’m sure that moving dates, or hours forwards or backwards is time travel, but if you’re in a boat, on a sea, and IMMEDIATELY at shore that’s not time travel, right? Asking for a fren.
Thanks fren.