Now this is a subject upon which I cannot speak with complete authority. The true natures of Light and Darkness are not fully known to us, either. It seems very likely to me that in some timelines, through happenstance and chains of fortunate events, Darkness has been defeated to a sufficient degree that God's Kingdom came about almost on its own. But I also feel that such a timeline would be inhabited by spiritually-stunted people as they would have been deprived of the struggles that help elevate the Soul.
My personal belief is that our concepts of God and Satan are reasoned in terms of sentient beings much like ourselves because that's convenient for our minds, but that in truth they share no characteristics with mortal Human beings or even other humanoids. It is more likely that they are representative energy-forms or thought-forms whose essence is woven into the tapestry we experience as reality. Conceptual "daemons" representing the forces of Light and Darkness, respectively. Understand that "daemons" are not necessarily either Good or Evil. These are subjective concepts reasoned from the minds of mortal Human beings, after all–to a universe that is essentially an enormous cosmic blender whose job is to produce density and complexity from which thinking physical beings can arise, there is no moral absolute.
But to step back down to 3D thinking, I believe that Satan is the canvas and God is the paint. Duality and dualism and balance are the precepts that suffuse all reality. Light and Dark, Positive and Negative, Yin and Yang. The True Creator, then, is the neutral form that was divided to produce duality, density, and eventually, thought.
In that sense, God and Satan are beings in a constant struggle between duality and oneness, the ferocious balance of which gives rise to all that we know as existence. Satan was that essence which desired to be divided, and God is that essence which desired a return to oneness. It is my belief that all mortal beings possess both of these essences within them, and experience the struggles between Good and Evil as a result. God desires to redeem Satan into oneness, and Satan desires to draw God's energy deeper into duality and density.
Do we really desire to end that struggle, returning everything to the grey infinity?