so Let me get this sraight Twat number 3's claim is she heard or saw Older guys "Spiking" the Punch with Alcohol or Grain alcohol?????? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW that has never happened at parties before. that God those guys didn't see Hollywood Knights
NAH just a TOOL
who the flying fuck cares?
yeah a Hasbeen puts out a song called Wonderland so all you RETARDISTS go apeshit on it. Cuz it means something
Guess what sweeetheart the Midwest in the 1930's was called the Dustbowl. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM must have been ChemTrails then to Right chemTARD???
don't like facts do ya ??
Nope sorry Sweetheart you smell that you Shit your Underoos
Called a Holepunch cloud, Do some research chemTARD
>>3192707 says a RETARDIST chemTARD who can't argue facts
check out Dustbowl Back when there was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO "ChemTrails" chemTARD
>>3192718 & I will try this question you since every chemTARD has avoided answering it, why not just do chemtrails when cloudy or at night
OHHHHHHHHHHHH I see back then it was mother nature that nearly wiped out the breadbasket of America, but now it is chemtrails? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Common sense but among chemTARDsS there is none
what if your ass sucks wind?