It is huge, cause merkel is a lame duck no.
she lost her life insurance with kauder. It is now only a matter of time until the beast is finally gone.
It is huge, cause merkel is a lame duck no.
she lost her life insurance with kauder. It is now only a matter of time until the beast is finally gone.
"Decreto Salvini" - Strengthening immigration policy in Italy
Salvini says in talk shows: "If I let you into my house as a guest, and you sell drugs to my children at home, then I will take you back to where you came from, with all humanity".
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini presented in Rome the new law "Salvini" for more security and migration, as promised in the election campaign.
The "Decreto Salvini" is seen by the opposition and several renowned media as a harder pace and tightening of laws, especially against asylum seekers and arriving refugees.
Giuseppe Conte, himself a respected professor of jurisprudence, reiterated at the presentation of the "decree" that the law was definitely checked for humanity and human rights and found to be realistic. Salvini, on the other hand, appeared very confidently before the assembled journalists and parried, as he always does, self-confidently and sovereignly, knowing that a majority of society absolutely supports this law.
Security policy was always on the Lega's agenda, and incidents like those in Germany, years earlier, increased dissatisfaction among Italians - the previous government of Matteo Renzi could no longer cushion this mood.
Giuseppe Conte, along with Salvini, explained it this way: "In order to improve the security situation of everyone, including the refugees themselves, as well as migration, it is first necessary to create appropriate framework conditions in order to define what security is" and how this can be guaranteed if one bears responsibility for it.
Just as in Germany, critics attack Salvini by saying that crime statistics are currently announcing the opposite: a decline in the total number of acts of violence. Salvini and his family argue that most rapes and brutal acts of violence are committed largely by migrants and immigrants.
Furthermore, Salvini continues, who has the latest data and facts on paper in his hand, that of initially 27% of those entitled to asylum, according to the extended analysis "only seven per cent" are actual war refugees. While 43,000 refugees arrived by boat and ship in the last period from January to June, there were only 7,000 since the Salvini government. First fruits of the rigorous implementation of Salvini's goals to minimize the number of refugees in Italy.
Salvini, appreciated and supported by a wave of euphoria in the citizenship from Bolzano to Palermo, described it quite clearly: refugees will continue to be taken in, those who are justified, but otherwise the following applies: "In the case of asylum seekers who commit crimes, who are caught dealing, in the case of theft or sexual harassment of minors, the asylum procedure will be stopped immediately". If it is confirmed that these persons are considered to be a public danger, "they are taken to a deportation centre". As Matteo Salvini rather rhetorically asked, this certainly does not violate a fundamental right.
And further, quite figuratively, and the Legachef repeated this scenario also in talk shows: "If I let you into my house as a guest, and then you sell drugs to my children at home, then I take you, with all humanity, back to where you came from".
The great adversary Salvinis and former president of the Chamber of Deputies, the oco-logical-left Laura Boldrini, often accused Salvini in advance of "slogan, slogan" - just words, empty phrases. How would he deport refugees without passports and documents?
Salvini, always preserving form, said dryly at the time: "I will send them back to where they claim to have come from…". Now the centre-right government is taking things seriously. Residence permits? Very difficult to get. Pickpockets, burglaries, or rebellion against the authorities? Quite bad cards.
The credo: Whoever comes to us, out of necessity, must be grateful and show respect. They will examine very carefully for what "humanitarian reasons" who would come to Italy. New parameters for the right of asylum are, for example, if victims of exploitation, domestic violence or natural disasters can make this credible, or if this is clear. Here one wants to help and show kindness. And, Salvini added, Italian ports will continue to be closed to foreign NGO ships.
The law still has to be signed by Parliament and the President of the Republic, but all the survey results speak for the government. Who would want to make themselves unpopular here?
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