payseur is the parasite
if you think thats ford you need to immediately neck yourself
has this been brought up yet?
everyone in the news has ear pieces my fren
/pol/ has been the leading edge of this entire movement before q was on the scene
doubt it you dumb faggot, keep believing that mossad d&c
to defeat the kikes, people of all color need to unite, worry about that shit after jews are gone
otherwise our dwindling numbers will keep doing just that while our ability to kike fight dwindles, stop trying to fight a war on all fronts, focus and use your enemies to help you fight the ultimate enemy of the people, you smooth brained nigger, use some fucking logic idiot
>believing jews didnt just brain wash non whites into thinking the enemy is caucasians
let me know how the war on all fronts go
also if jews can brainwash non whites into thinking whites are the enemy, its certainly possible to counter brainwash, win the war without even fighting, seriously get some brain power, you pathetic faggot