did you actually make this up and post it? because if you did, you are a total fuckhead. we don't need phonies like you.
okay, my deepest apologies. my vision is less than perfect and the type was small. i've been here long enough to feel protective - too much, prol - don't want shills getting us in legal trouble. the bread moves so quickly, it's hard to be as thorough and precise as i would like to be. thanks.
as someone who's been here for months, I'm seriously ashamed to ask this, but how/where does an anon type this https address to get to this post? I cannot find the "Index" either. Used to go to qarchives.ml/8qresearch_q_threads, but that has been inaccessible for a while. Sorry, but could use some help here. Thanks
Thanks, but the first goes to Research #3, dtd last January. The second just gets me a bunch of memes. This is on DuckGo, too.