Did the cabal broadcast their intentions ahead of Time?
Freemason Eagle?
Who owns The Economist?
When was this released?
Does 10 really mean October?
Was the stock market planned to be crashed in October 2018?
Specific year chosen?
One world currency?
>Symbolism will be their downfall.
>just heard a similar projection sentiment on NPR earlier this morning
One may safely assume POTUS is recovering quantities of gold prior to the intended reset. China was positioned to hold the majority of wealth after the event, I think the reset was pushed back so the USA can enter a level playing field with compatible physical gold reserves.
The economist issued 1988. Depicts Fiat currency burning at the feet of an Eagle / Phoenix. Fiat currencies have failed since the dawn of Time… and it's only a matter of Time before the King dollar follows suit.
There will be two kinds of countries in the future. Those with precious metals, and those without.
October 2018 "may" have been the chosen date for the largest stock market crash in history.
Hopefully those gold reserves are tippy tip top, Batman.