can't read it…linky?
Don't think so…small room, limited media…muh demands
Triple Witching.
what is the date on the news?
Likes trains and Grains(liquid)
Fed just raised a .25 pt.
3rd of 2018
Daddy issues….who's her Psych?
Bipolar maybe? Borderline? = promiscuity and attraction to dangerous situations. Needs attention constantly.
That would be glorious…..but heresay for now.
add that dumb bitch to the list of not running/stepping down/not getting re-elected.
She's gotta be connected to the BHO BC cover up
seems like it…or looking glass…remote viewing.
Just to test how stupid the Dems are?
Make Feinstein Resign finally.
It at first glance seemed a bit over the top and all over the place.
Yes..and a dumb fucking one at that.
nice Cock pit
What a movie