'Hope all the indictments were saved to iCloud!': Twitter's hilarious reaction after Mueller is spotted getting laptop help in an Apple store Genius bar alongside his wife in Nike sneakers
Mueller and his wife Ann Standish were spotted at an Apple Store in Georgetown
Photo showed them both intently starting at a Mac screen with Genius employee
Many joked about the Russia investigation and Mueller's many indictments
Others joked he got a laptop for Rosenstein or was looking at Mario Kart's Toad
He may be the special counsel to what could become the most important investigation in the history of American politics.
But sometimes, even Robert Mueller has computer trouble.
The former FBI director was spotted at an Apple Genius Bar in Washington D.C's upscale Georgetown neighborhood on Wednesday - and Twitter had a field day.
Journalist Kelly Cohen was the first to share the photo of Mueller on social media, revealing it had come from a friend of a friend's Instagram story.