Anonymous ID: c0bed2 Sept. 27, 2018, 4:26 a.m. No.3205162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5177


Handoff Confirmed

You're welcome to flag for BV and stick around for check, but I'll assume responsibilities in the meantime. Thanks again, baker.


>maybe a three-some?

Involving Q? You mean like this?

(pic related)


Anonymous ID: c0bed2 Sept. 27, 2018, 4:44 a.m. No.3205238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265


>>3204880 Link for CS-an Kav hearings later today

>>3205056 Jews 150 to 231 times over-represented on Trumps Fake News Award list

>>3205146, >>3205158 lel, Coupla dudes just came fwd as Blasey Ford party rapists

Baker change

>>3204531 POTUS says Dems would vote down George Washington

>>3204540 Goog, MS, and Alibaba to build AR glasses for US Army

>>3204541 FB, Goog, Amaz, Apple, and MS are technology oligarchy

>>3204546 To the Moon and Beyond! NASA plans to revisit by late 2020s

>>3204561, >>3204595 Mueller gets help in Genius Bar, Twatter comments

>>3204981, >>3205037 Anons believe Mueller above was photo op or message of some type

>>3204563 POTUS delays [RR] meeting due to Kav hearing

>>3204599 New Editor-in-chief at Wikileaks is Kristinn Hrafnsson

>>3204610, >>3204636 China calls on US to improve military ties amid tensions

>>3204613 Bezos space startup to supply engines for ULA's Vulcan rocket

>>3204678 Amazon now going to Alexa entire houses

>>3204701 Avenatti's accounts frozen by bankruptcy judge for not making agreed payments

>>3204851 Soros group Demand Justice out to poison Kav's nomination

>>3204896 Link to Text of Kav accuser's opening statement

>>3204913 Grassley has police escort at the Capitol

>>3205006 CDC Dep Director says suicides up in US

Anonymous ID: c0bed2 Sept. 27, 2018, 4:54 a.m. No.3205274   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>3204880 Link for CSpan Kav hearings later today

>>3205056 Jews 150 to 231 times over-represented on Trumps Fake News Award list

>>3205146, >>3205158 lel, Coupla dudes just came fwd as Blasey Ford party rapists

Baker change

>>3204531 POTUS says Dems would vote down George Washington

>>3204540 Goog, MS, and Alibaba to build AR glasses for US Army

>>3204541 FB, Goog, Amaz, Apple, and MS are technology oligarchy

>>3204546 To the Moon and Beyond! NASA plans to revisit by late 2020s

>>3204561, >>3204595 Mueller gets help in Genius Bar, Twatter comments

>>3204981, >>3205037 Anons believe Mueller above was photo op or message of some type

>>3204563 POTUS delays [RR] meeting due to Kav hearing

>>3204599 New Editor-in-chief at Wikileaks is Kristinn Hrafnsson

>>3204610, >>3204636 China calls on US to improve military ties amid tensions

>>3204613 Bezos space startup to supply engines for ULA's Vulcan rocket

>>3204678 Amazon now going to Alexa entire houses

>>3204701 Avenatti's accounts frozen by bankruptcy judge for not making agreed payments

>>3204851 Soros group Demand Justice out to poison Kav's nomination

>>3204896 Link to Text of Kav accuser's opening statement

>>3204913 Grassley has police escort at the Capitol

>>3205006 CDC Dep Director says suicides up in US



Ah jeez, sorry. Still groggy morning for me.

Already baked, but bundle will be correct moving forward