Anonymous ID: 87e597 Sept. 27, 2018, 6:39 a.m. No.3205913   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy” Luke 10


Pray out loud.

“Father, I come today as your (daughter)(son) as an overcomer, as your legal voice on earth & I step into your kingdom as One Praising you! I plead the blood of Jesus over myself, (insert family members here). I cover my home, office, cars, property & my neighborhood with the Blood of Jesus. Be a wall of fire & a hedge of protection around me & all of my family & President Trump & his men today & tonight in Jesus’ name. Give them Godly wisdom & strength & help them.

I put on the full armor of God for the Earth realm. I stand, therefore; I gird up my waist with Truth, I put on the Breastplate of righteousness, I shod my feet with the preparation of the gospel peace, above all I take up the shield of faith with which I am able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. I put on the helmet of salvation & I take up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God & I arise & I am seated with you Jesus, as You say I am.


Job 22:28 says I can decree & declare a thing and it shall be established.

So, In Jesus name I receive the Anointing of my God as He opens doors for me today as I advance in Your Name to take new territory that You have set before me. I walk in the Zeal & the Fire of my God. I agree completely with Your plans, for all of them to be accomplished today in Jesus’ name. Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in Jesus’ Name.


I plead the blood of Jesus protection over Donald J. Trump & his family. I do the same for Q+ & their families, all of the people who do videos & reports of Q & the President. I also pray that the “Lord keep them hidden in Your Power.” I bind, sever & cut myself free & my family free & Pres.Trump free from every evil watcher, scanner, reporter, recorder, tracer, remote & all familiar spirits in Jesus’ name, I throw failure & confusion into everything in the enemy’s camp, including communication & decision making abilities. In Jesus name every Hex & Vex, every incantation, every old assignment, every new assignment, every agenda, every curse, every pronouncement, every soulish prayer sent by anyone living or dead against us, they are nullified & stopped now in the power and name of Jesus.


Lord send your angels to sever myself, my family & President Trump free from every Ley Line, Tether Line, every occult line, in Jesus name.

I forbid evil demonic entities & Astro projection from coming into my home, office or anywhere else we are in Jesus’ name!

All elemental forces must refuse to cooperate with our enemies. All contrary words of witches, warlocks, Satanists, cults, covens, crafts, powers of evil speaking against me or my family & my President, they are rendered harmless, ineffective & void now in Jesus name.

We take our authority in Jesus name over all demonic strongholds today & sever their strength. Send Your angels bearing the Light of truth & protection to shine in every dark corner & strategy room where lies are spun. Plots & plans to harm President Trump are rendered powerless & exposed. I declare Truth, Freedom, Stability & Courage over all in America today.


Everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God in our lives today is brought down. We commission your angels, the warrior kind, the heavenly ones, the Hosts of Heaven, go forth and be an enemy to the enemies of God making them as chaff in the wind.

Every evil assignment set against us today are canceled, null, void, ineffective & consumed by the Fire of our God in Jesus’ Name.


In Jesus name that I am transformed by Your power & manifest Your Light & Love to those around me.

I speak to the morning & say give me my portion, I draw upon the resources of my God & I call forth seven fold return of favor & honor & provision. Anything that was stolen or lost or broken be returned now in Jesus’ name.

Through Jesus power, we all here prosper in body, soul & spirit as we are being transformed by the power of God. Blessings, safety & a hedge of protection be around all of us today in Jesus’ beautiful name!

I ask you Lord to stir up every apostolic, prophetic gift YOU have given me & that I shall speak forth Your will & goodness & encouragement. Please help me to do supernatural acts & assignments for You, for Your Kingdom & Your Kingdom purposes.

Put a seal on my lips, Lord that I will speak Philippians 4:8 ”whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue & if there is anything praiseworthy, I shall meditate on these things.”


Psalm 91. Deuteronomy 28:1-14


In the power of Jesus name




Q says pray-we are not fighting flesh & blood