Anonymous ID: e9d7fb Sept. 27, 2018, 6:50 a.m. No.3206021   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Learn to play the game.


This is a fucked up game and I want no part of it.


Kavanaugh deep state or patriot? When will we know? Q sure as hell won't tell us. But we are watching a movie, or political theater with actors not acting very well. If you can't see by now this is all bullshit, you are blind. The Kavanaugh episode is a distraction, as usual, and there will be another distraction to take our attention away from what we should be focused on and that is the elimination of the deep state.


If any of you have paid attention to the Bush and Obama years, the cabal this very often. One scandal to distract from the previous one.


Examples of this are,9/10/01, Rumsfeld tells world we have 2.3 trillion missing. Next day we know what happens. War with anyone we could find helps distract for the rest of Bush's terms.


Example 2. Throughout the Obama years, we went from fast and furious, to IRS targeting, to Solyndra, to Bengazi, to Iran pallets of cash, and on and on. The Trump years are no different.


The one common theme? No one is going to jail.


Happy times. Enjoy the show, because that is what this is. I bet many of you can predict the next distraction. FF in Syria? Global economic disaster? Those are my guesses.