>Anyone picking up on the protesters in the room.
Why in hell would protesters be allowed into that room? Who is in charge of the "guest list"? As if this isn't enough of a circus.
>Anyone picking up on the protesters in the room.
Why in hell would protesters be allowed into that room? Who is in charge of the "guest list"? As if this isn't enough of a circus.
>Executives are selling off their company's stock at a record pace
I thought "insider" trading was verboten. Two sets of rules? One for them, one for the rest of us? When do they drop the hammer on these shysters?
>That will shock some sense into people for about 1 generation if we are lucky.
Bullshit. The destruction of these people has to be so violent and horrific that it will be spoken of over campfires in hushed tones in awe for 10,000 years. Nothing less. pic related
Look at that crone leaning in. I'd love to see Grassley just backhand that bitch out of her chair.