Anonymous ID: 52295d Sept. 27, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.3210338   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Islamic Revolution Document Center – During its lifetime, Iran’s Savak worked in close cooperation with the CIA and Mossad. After the 1953 coup, the US entered Iran’s political stage fully. After they brought on the dictatorship in Iran, the US decided to keep the country as their foot hold in the region. The US was trying to secure its place in Iran and the region by infiltrating Iran’s intelligence and security organizations.


On November 3, 1992, three Israeli diplomats boarded a plane from Pyongyang to Tokyo. Having participated in the Jewish state’s first-ever diplomatic mission to North Korea, they were heading home hopeful that the two nations could reverse their bitter decades-old enmity and embark on a new era of fruitful cooperation. They dreamed of setting up an Israeli mission in Pyongyang, and of persuading the reclusive regime to stop selling arms to Israel’s enemies in the Middle East.


But as they made their way into the plane to their seats, they spotted then-Mossad deputy director Ephraim Halevy and immediately knew their mission was in trouble.



And so it proved. Israel’s little-known attempt to reach out to North Korea was cut short by then-prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in early 1993, presumably due to US pressure. It proved to be one more area of disagreement between Labor powerhouses Rabin and Shimon Peres. And 25 years later, as North Korea threatens the West with nuclear devastation, the curious tale of two Israeli government institutions putting out feelers to a hostile regime — and with the Mossad allegedly sabotaging the Foreign Ministry’s efforts — still rankles with many of those who were involved.