Anonymous ID: e60608 Sept. 27, 2018, 10:03 a.m. No.3210355   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0489

'Wrong': Italy's PM Conte Slams Macron for Claiming Italy in Crisis With EU


Earlier, French President Emmanuel Macron described Italy as being in a state of crisis with the European Union over their contrasting migration policies.


Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte responded to Macron’s remark, insisting that he is “wrong” to suggest there is a crisis with the EU, explaining that the French president is only able to speak for his own country, not all of the bloc’s other member states.


Speaking at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, PM Conte said, “A crisis between Italy and the EU? You are wrong. Macron claims that Italy has problems with Europe? Fortunately, Europe is made up of 27 states and Macron speaks only for France.”


"He has the right to express his opinion, but he is wrong,” he reiterated.


Relations deteriorated with France after Italy’s populist coalition government prevented a boat laden with migrants from docking on its territory, drawing condemnation from Brussels and a number of member states.


However, the French government also didn’t allow the Aquarius boat to dock at its Marseille port, expectedly resulting in Macron being dubbed a hypocrite, as he accused Italy of creating a “political crisis” by not abiding to “international laws” and “humanitarian laws of the sea.”


Italy’s Deputy PM, Matteo Salvini, has been particularly vocal on the migrant crisis, insisting that Europe should not rescue migrant boats and escort them to safety on European safety as this encourage others to make the perilous journey across the Mediterranean.


Moreover, in an interview with Deutsche Welle earlier this week, Salvini he believed German Chancellor Angela Merkel underestimated the “risk of a social clash” as a result of her open-door migrant policy, stressing the need for Italy to avert a similar crisis.

Anonymous ID: e60608 Sept. 27, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.3210386   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Netanyahu: Trump gave me guarantees about freedom of Israeli operations in Syria


Amid dispute with Moscow, PM says Israel will act whenever necessary to prevent Iranian military entrenchment and efforts to transfer advanced arms to Hezbollah


NEW YORK — Israel managed to obtain several guarantees from US President Donald Trump regarding its freedom of operation in Syria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday.


“I received what I asked for. I came with specific points and I got them,” he told reporters in a briefing following his meeting with Trump earlier during in the day.


He declined to specify what he had asked for.


Netanyahu’s comments came amid a severe diplomatic crisis with Moscow following the downing of a Russian spy plane last week by Syrian air defenses during an Israeli airstrike.


Russia announced this week that in wake of the incident, which it blames on the Israeli Air Force, it would provide Syria with the advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missile defense system.


The prime minister added that Israel’s deconfliction mechanism with Russia will continue, as will Israel’s determination to act whenever necessary to prevent Iran’s military entrenchment in Syria and its efforts to transfer advance arms to Hezbollah in Lebanon.


Netanyahu said he had discussed the downing of the Syrian plane with Trump.


“We have a goal, and it is as follows: On one hand, to maintain the security coordination with Russia, and second, to allow Israel to defend itself against” the threats emanating from Iran’s effort to establish military bases in Syria.


Still, he maintained, “The greatest threat to Israel does not come from Syria, nor does it come from Lebanon or from what Iran does in Syria, or even from what Iran does inside Iran. Rather, Israel’s number one worry continues to be the Islamic Republic’s ambition to acquire nuclear weapons.


“Iran wants to create nuclear weapons with the declared goal to destroy us,” he said, adding that the issue was discussed at great length with Trump during their meeting.


Also on Wednesday, a senior Israeli official countered media reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin had turned down a meeting with Netanyahu to discuss the incident in Syria, saying instead that Israel had asked for such a meeting, and the Kremlin had neither rejected nor accepted the proposal.


It is likely that the two leaders will meet in the coming weeks to discuss the matter, the official said.